
Gopeesingh calls on the Prime Minister to remove Health Minister Deyalsingh

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh is attempting to disguise and confuse the facts about deaths of newborn babies, in what is another indicator of the national medical crisis. Mr. Deyalsingh has not provided official statistics, claiming instead that there has been a “slight...
Posted On 28 Nov 2018
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In view of numerous reports through social and other forms of media about the crisis that is ongoing at the San Fernando General Hospital, there are several questions that need to be answered by this Government. The reports of overcrowding and picture evidence of critically ill...
Posted On 28 Nov 2018
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With the influx of Venezuelans T&T needs immigration policy and data to access international help

“If reports of 60,000 Venezuelan illegal immigrants are correct, this means close to 4,400 Venezuelans per 100,000 T&T nationals reside here – the highest in Latin America. Given these figures why do we not have a comprehensive immigration/refugee policy in place. Why...
Posted On 27 Nov 2018
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MP Lee – Is the Dragon Deal in jeopardy of failing?

There is cause for great concern and alarm as it relates to the Dragon Gas Deal given the published revelations by Venezuelan Assembly member Carlos Valero that any treaty or contract signed between this country and Venezuela which has not been ratified by the National Assembly...
Posted On 26 Nov 2018
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Ramona: Keep our Women Safe

Not until the half of our population represented by women and girls can live free from fear, violence and everyday insecurity, can we truly say we live in a fair and equal world.” — UN Secretary-General António Guterres Today we observe the International Day for the...
Posted On 25 Nov 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2018

For another year, as we join the international community in commemorating International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, I call on each citizen of Trinidad and Tobago to do more to stop violence in all forms. While some progress has been made, violence against...
Posted On 25 Nov 2018
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Kamla: Dr. Rupert Griffith Remembered as a Patriot

The United National Congress’ family is deeply saddened at the passing of Dr. Rupert Griffith, an accomplished professional, devoted public officer and party stalwart. Dr. Griffith’s death is distressing news to the UNC, which has always held him in high regard and to which he...
Posted On 22 Nov 2018
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Oropouche West MP: Government must compensate Livestock and Poultry Farmers

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh, is calling on the PNM government to compensate farmers who lost their livestock and crops due to the destructive flooding that occurred last weekend. In a release issued on Thursday the MP stated, “...
Posted On 22 Nov 2018
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MP Lee – More hardship in store for Petrotrin workers due to Pension debacle

More hardship is in store for Petrotrin workers as once again this Government has been caught trying to peddle untruths and misinformation to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago as it relates to the restructuring of Petrotrin given the latest concerns raised by Republic Bank, the...
Posted On 21 Nov 2018
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Kamla: Laziness and incompetence by Gov’t for delays in meeting Global Forum requirements

The Opposition Leader is describing as ‘hypocritical’ statements made by Government officials regarding the Opposition’s position on the passage of the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2018. The Rowley Government has once again come at the eleventh hour for the passage of this Bill,...
Posted On 21 Nov 2018
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