
Padarath: Sahadeo again? Square pegs in round holes under Rowley

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath is taking Prime Minister Keith Rowley to task for appointing former Chairman of the Port Authority Christine Sahadeo to the boards of two companies that the Rowley Government established in its transition, after closing down the Petrotrin Refinery....
Posted On 18 Jan 2019
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Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s Message on Moving the Economy Forward: Let’s get T&T Working Again

TODAY’S REALITY The world is rapidly moving towards an integrated digital economy, based on renewable energies, artificial intelligence and automation. As a gas and oil-based economy, we will face challenges in growing and maintaining revenues, jobs and expenditure. By 2040 most...
Posted On 17 Jan 2019
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Kamla: Rowley should stop blaming and start working

Today was another lost opportunity to present new and innovative strategies to move our economy forward. He quickly descended into a convoluted diatribe in which he resorted to his all too familiar theme of “blame everyone except me”. The Prime Minister spent more than three...
Posted On 17 Jan 2019
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Opposition Leader says Sandals “withdrawal” no surprise; highlights Government’s incompetence

The “withdrawal” of Sandals is no surprise. Repeatedly, the Rowley Government has fallen flat on its face on its flagship projects/game changers. The Government is failing in every sector and on every project, and, the decision by Sandals to “withdraw” from Tobago highlights,...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Padarath: PNM rewards the promotion of political filth with taxpayers’ $$$

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath is taking Minister Robert Le Hunte to task for what he describes as rewarding the promotion of political filth with taxpayers’ money. The comment stemmed from Le Hunte’s justification for hiring PNM activist Darrel Dookoo as part of a social...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Charles: Rowley must heed advice on neutrality with Venezuela

T&T’s foreign policy towards Venezuela is in shambles and Rowley would be well advised to heed UNC leader Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar’s advice and change course. We need something more nuanced that takes on board the many conflicting geopolitical and other issues at...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Gopeesingh calls on PM Rowley to act or face possible legal action over health crisis

The tragic deaths of at least four patients in public health care institutions over the past three months as a result of the Swine Flu is the latest evidence of the acute incompetence of the Minister of Health, Terrence Deyalsingh. This is the latest spate of deaths and/or...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Oropouche West MP slams Government for mismanagement of the Rice Industry

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh, is condemning the Rowley led administration for its gross negligence and ineptitude in managing the agricultural sector, more particularly the rice industry. In a release issued on Tuesday, the MP...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Ramona: Has the Tobago Sandals Project Collapsed?

The Prime Minister’s statements on the Tobago Sandals project suggested that it may be off the table as his reference to it was in past tense and even identified the Tobago people as being against the project. During Thursday’s “Conversations with the Prime Minister”, the Prime...
Posted On 13 Jan 2019
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Opposition Leader condemns Rowley’s ostrich-like approach to the gathering storm in neighbouring Venezuela

For decades, our nation has had fraternal and cordial relations with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.  Not only are they our neighbours, but many are also family of some of our citizens.  In this context, we condemn the Rowley government’s ostrich-like approach to the...
Posted On 13 Jan 2019
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