UNC PRO to Rowley: Stop the race baiting and focus on improving your Governance

At a PNM meeting in Mason Hall, Tobago, Rowley is reported to have asked Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar to show what she has done for Black people in this country. Dr Rowley, the UNC’s policies are not and have never been based on race but on people. With elections on the horizon,...
Posted On 14 Feb 2019
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Oropouche West MP: The Government’s attempt to mislead the population

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh, is condemning the failure of the Rowley led Government to provide relief to the farmers of the Los Iros Hillview Farmers Association who were affected by the earthquake of Tuesday 21st August 2018. In a...
Posted On 13 Feb 2019
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Highlights from the Political Leader’s Address MNF – Brazil

We started the year with a bang, holding our hugely successful National Assembly just over two weeks ago. At that Assembly, we saw the energy, the vibrancy of our great party which continues to grow by leaps and bounds. We saw many new faces, young people ready to get our country...
Posted On 12 Feb 2019
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Opposition Chief Whip – “Something is Rotten in Parliament”

Last week the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives were breached when confidential information about the proceedings of the Privileges Committee was published in a Parliamentary media release. Yet, no one is being held accountable and the Opposition’s call for a proper...
Posted On 10 Feb 2019
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Moonilal: High Court action necessary to preserve democracy

My decision earlier this week to commence proceedings before the High Court against the Attorney General and the Speaker of the House of Representatives was one that I took to preserve my right to represent my 29000 plus constituents. It was a decision that I took to uphold and...
Posted On 08 Feb 2019
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Fyzabad MP Seeks Donation to Patch Potholes

On Tuesday 5th February 2018, the MP for Fyzabad, Dr. Lackram P Bodoe, was able to secure donations through local contractors to repair the Oropouche main road after it was littered with massive potholes throughout the entire roadway. These potholes were causing unnecessary...
Posted On 08 Feb 2019
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Attorney Ramdeen writes CJ Archie: Was the judicial process compromised?

We live in a democracy that is premised upon the rule of law, respect for the law and independent and impartial judiciary where no one is above the law and all are subject to the law. The increased public awareness of certain alleged conduct on the part of Chief Justice Ivor...
Posted On 06 Feb 2019
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Charles: Cherry picking principles

Dr Rowley’s strategy of conveniently cherry picking the principle of non-intervention to justify our failed foreign policy on Venezuela is either hypocritical, or deliberately obfuscatory, or as with everything else with this administration – not well thought out. Or...
Posted On 05 Feb 2019
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Successful start to UNC nominations

Today the United National Congress opened nominations for all Local Government seats and for General Elections seats which we do not currently hold. The UNC is heartened by the enthusiastic response to our call to action and we thank the hundreds of people who came out on the...
Posted On 04 Feb 2019
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Unity and Coalition are different things

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar has faced some stinging criticism relative to her declaration at the UNC’s National Assembly that the UNC can win the next general election on its own and without a coalition. A few points are perhaps worthy of consideration here. The...
Posted On 01 Feb 2019
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