
UNC: Government continues its attempts at stifling the Opposition

The Attorney General’s behaviour in the Committee stage of the Non-Profit Organizations Bill in the Senate on Thursday 11th April, 2019, highlights once again that this Government is trying to suppress the Opposition and prevent us from giving voice to the citizens on critical...
Posted On 11 Apr 2019
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T&T owes Kamla a debt of gratitude

Kamla Persad-Bissessar did what many were not expecting… she and her MPs voted unanimously with the Government to ensure passage of the Civil Asset Recovery and Management and Unexplained Wealth Bill 2019. Many anticipated that when the debate on this piece of legislation resumed...
Posted On 09 Apr 2019
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Statement by Opposition Leader on Passage of Unexplained Wealth Bill

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP battled the Government today in the Parliament highlighting the flaws in the proposed Civil Asset Recovery and Management and Unexplained Wealth Bill, 2019 virtually rewriting the Bill presented by the Government to ensure...
Posted On 09 Apr 2019
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Former AG Anand Ramlogan responds to Sunday Express

I write in response to the article “Anand’s conflict of interest” in the Sunday Express of April 7, 2019 by Denyse Renne. The opening paragraph is completely false and mischievous. I have never been the subject of any criticism by a High Court judge for representing two clients...
Posted On 08 Apr 2019
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Charles: TT$15 million later and still no tangible deliverables from The Group DC.

“Minister Imbert, in fact the entire PNM bench, needs a lesson in how to answer questions in Parliament in a manner that is not obfuscatory, irrelevant, misleading or a waste of Parliamentary time,” says Naparima MP Rodney Charles. They must understand that the House of...
Posted On 08 Apr 2019
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Kamla: Faris Must Resign or be Fired

The people of this country are fed up of the incompetence and bold-faced greed of Attorney General Faris al Rawi. He is the personification of greed and selfishness by a few in the society which is the root cause of poverty and crime. The gluttonous rental deals of Faris al Rawi...
Posted On 07 Apr 2019
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Councillor Concerned for NGOs – Slams ‘Draconian’ Non-Profit Organisations Bill

On Saturday 6th April, 2019 Councillor Chris Hosein held a consultation with NGOs within his electoral district of Reform / Manahambre. According to Councillor Hosein, the Non-Profit Organisations Bill, 2019 which was passed in the Lower House on Friday 29th March, 2019 prompted...
Posted On 06 Apr 2019
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Government continues to fail in its role to protect our citizens

While the PNM government tries to fool the population into believing that criminal activity is on the decline, active duty police officers are themselves becoming victims of crime. The theft of a marked Police vehicle on Wednesday, from officers on duty in Claxton Bay highlights...
Posted On 04 Apr 2019
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Senator Obika: Minister of Trade’s assertion belies T&T economic trough

In what can only amount to an April fools joke the Minister of Trade has trumpeted that the domestic economy is out of the recession. This statement belies the fact that we are on the wrong side of an economic slump realising GDP levels that are lower than it was roughly a decade...
Posted On 03 Apr 2019
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UNC: New ferry another crooked deal by this PNM Government; calls for investigation

The United National Congress is calling for a forensic investigation into the Government’s sudden purchase of yet another boat to service the collapsed Trinidad and Tobago Seabridge. Out of the blue and with no tendering done, Works Minister Rohan Sinanan announced that a...
Posted On 03 Apr 2019
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