
Opposition Chief Whip – “Government attempting to stifle the Opposition”

The Members of the Opposition would like to vehemently denounce the draconian and high handed attempts by the Government to stifle as well as deny our Parliamentary right to Private Members’ Day as they run from our motion on the Economy. In accordance with Standing Order 33 (5),...
Posted On 24 Apr 2019
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UNC: Local Gov’t Elections Deadline for Filing Nominations Friday April 26, 2019

The United National Congress (UNC) wishes to advise that the Deadline for Filing Nominations to be considered as the candidate to contest a seat in the Local Government Elections scheduled to be held in Trinidad later this year is on Friday April 26th, 2019 at 4:00 p.m....
Posted On 23 Apr 2019
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Naparima MP has this answer for Buju

During the I am Legend concert on Sunday, Buju Banton poignantly asked, “What is going on in Trinidad? All this murder. Not just regular murder but butcher shop murder.” This in reference to the crime epidemic and the increasingly gruesome murders prevalent in T&T, with nine...
Posted On 23 Apr 2019
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United National Congress offers condolences to the people of Sri Lanka

The UNC offers sincere condolences and sympathies to the people of Sri Lanka. Though thousands of miles away, we stand firmly as a global community with our Sri Lankan brothers and sisters to rebuke and condemn these acts of hate, terror and ill-will to humanity. The attacks on...
Posted On 22 Apr 2019
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Indarsingh calls the State’s response to week-long tragedy in Carli Bay inhumane

Member of Parliament, Couva South, The Hon. Rudranath Indarsingh is today lamenting the inhumane response to the unfolding, week-long tragedy in his constituency whereby Sie­u­nar­ine Gyandass, his broth­er Chu­ni­lal Gyan­dass, Ku­mar Lal­la, Ronald Nar­i­nesingh, Vedesh Mar­lo,...
Posted On 19 Apr 2019
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Kamla: Let’s use Easter to restore hope to our nation

On behalf of my family and the United National Congress, I wish everyone a happy and holy Easter. For our Christian brothers and sisters, Easter is a time when we remember the incredible sacrifice Jesus Christ made. Like each religious observance in our nation, Easter celebrates...
Posted On 18 Apr 2019
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Message from Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti

Our beloved nation of Trinidad and Tobago is blessed and is truly a sterling example of how people from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds can live together in harmony, and respect for each other’s traditions. This weekend, members of the Christian faith are...
Posted On 18 Apr 2019
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MP Lee: Budget game changer, Dragon deal, dead

It is time Government end their political charade and admit to the people of Trinidad and Tobago that their much boasted Dragon Gas Deal was nothing more than political public relations. Energy Minister Franklin Khan’s public admission that the Dragon Gas Deal has come to a...
Posted On 17 Apr 2019
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UNC condemns hate speech; PRO Anita Haynes calls for unity

Hate speech has no place in Trinidad and Tobago. So says UNC Public Relations Officer Anita Haynes. She says the party has noted certain statements currently circulating on social media which refer to citizens, in this case, residents of Tobago, in a derogatory manner. “The UNC...
Posted On 17 Apr 2019
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MP Charles: Venezuelan registration policy ill-conceived

The Government’s Venezuelan registration policy is yet another example of the lack of thought and proper planning that characterises everything this PNM administration does. National Security Minister Stuart Young has shown once again that he is woefully out of his depth. This...
Posted On 12 Apr 2019
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