UNC: PNM Scandals, Deceit, Misconduct – time for Rowley Government to go
The allegations of possible misconduct in public office against two members of the Keith Rowley-led Government are the latest indications that this administration must go.
The report that a sitting Member of Parliament is discriminating against persons in need based on political party affiliation is reprehensible, and a flagrant violation of citizens’ constitutional rights. The silence by other members of the Rowley Administration, implies tacit approval of this approach, indicating that this is not the actions of one errant MP but rather PNM policy.
The UNC reminds all PNM Members of Parliament that they are elected to serve all constituents. The practice of using access to state resources to force citizens to support a failing PNM must be resoundingly condemned. The PNM must not be allowed to demand political support in exchange for assistance. It is clear now that they intended to starve the nation for four years and in the election year to trade services for votes.
Like her PNM colleagues, the Member of Parliament for Toco/ Sangre Grande has shown a lack of care or concern for the wellbeing of people in her constituency.
The second issue of a Government Minister’s questionable bank deposit raises more questions, for which the Prime Minister has failed to provide answers or take decisive action.
While this matter is the subject of an ongoing police investigation and we await the findings of that probe, Keith Rowley should have acted when the details of the dubious transactions were first raised four years ago.
The Prime Minister’s responses to questions raised by one concerned citizen on this issue are unacceptable and unbecoming of the office which he holds. His attacks on anyone who has queried this matter or any allegations surrounding members of his Cabinet highlight his poor leadership and clearly show that he is not concerned about transparency and accountability.
The population needs no reminder of the clouds hanging over multiple members of this Government, which, in one case, led to charges being laid. This, coupled with their utter incompetence, arrogance and inability to govern, are reasons why this Rowley Government must be removed from office, and the people be given the chance to elect a leader and team with the vision and plan to get our country working again.
The people of Trinidad and Tobago have suffered for more than four years of PNM rule, and after hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ dollars were spent, the Government has nothing positive to show. Keith Rowley and his team have spent their time in office looking after their friends, families and financiers, and have failed to improve the lives of the people.
This Rowley regime is unfit for office, and it is time for them to go.