The Establishment Will Not Lie Down
With the stunning reversal in the fortunes of the UNC and Partnership Government and particularly with the ratings of PM Kamla Persad Bissesar now the highest since 2011, the forces have sprung into action to ensure that her rise to the top and into victory in 2015 does not materialize. It might have been a bitter pill for the Express to swallow given that its own survey revealed that the approval ratings of the PM was up, it being no secret that the Express has taken a side in the politics. This became so obvious when on the eve of the JTUM in Port Of Spain the Express and CCNTV6 held a town meeting in POS and ensured that MSJ leader Abdullah was most present to advertise the march. Not only that, but they also carefully planted Marcia Henville to be a part of the audience with Jack Warner to say some very unsavory things about the PM and the PP Government. The Express and TV6 have run out of shame.
Be that as it may, the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago are beginning to see the truth of the politics and have come to recognize that the establishment will not lay down and die but will attack the PP government and the PM with full force. The reason is simple. The status quo has been seriously undermined by the PP, and the pendulum has begun to swing in favor of the poorer classes and the small man. In this scenario of change of fortunes the middle man has also been favored against a bunch of persons who controlled all aspects of the economy and the decision makers. The economic pie is now being more equitably distributed and fairness is now being experienced unlike the PNM where discrimination and favoritism was the order of the day. The PP Govt may not have fixed every road and every box drain, may not have rebuilt every school, but surely the dent in poor infrastructure and in the repairs to school buildings as well as the construction of early childhood centers is being celebrated across the nation. They don’t like that. They don’t like the fact that farmers are getting loans at less than half the interest rate they got at the ADB under the PNM. They don’t like the fact that POS building contractors are no longer controlling the construction sector. They don’t like the fact that the customs have been tightened and that scanners are coming into effect! The “PNM lodges” are beginning to “gangster” up against the PP and PM Bissessar.
They are not happy with the number of “big” drug busts that have been taking place. They are not happy with the National Operating Center and the Rapid Response Unit, the Highway patrols and the addition of several hundred SRP’s to the Police Service. The establishment will and is hitting back. They did not think that the PM was so resilient. They thought that because she was a woman she would be weak. They never thought that she had the courage to fire Ministers and yet keep her government intact. It had not happened before her time in the seat of the PM. Manning had to call elections twice before the term had come to an end. She stung them and stunned them. The recent polls is a clear indication that the population has begun to realize that they were being fed a propaganda of untruths and political and economic lies by Rowley, the PNM and the likes of Roget and the JTUM. They did not think that she would have acted so quickly to take the Life Sport Program away from Anil while the audit is going on. The establishment who raped the system will not sleep! The rhetoric of the same old same old propaganda has come to be disbelieved by the people. The people are now recognizing what strong leadership is all about.
Strong leadership was shown on the Chaguanas platform when she publicly mandated the Minister of Health to open the health centers until 9.00pm in order to bring pressure away from the hospitals accident and emergency departments. The Minister of Health must act or someone else will be placed to act. While she enjoys a high approval rating the gov’t does not. She knows this and is clearly demonstrating by her decisive moves that the time for excuses is over! In a way she publicly chastised Anil Roberts and DR Fuad Khan. One hopes that they see the seriousness of her statements.
The call for a general election is totally unsubstantiated. What fatal errors have been made by this gov’t? Section 34r! The entire Parliament voted for the Bill and then voted to correct their errors. Are the personal mistakes of Ramadharsingh and Sharma the doings of the PP Gov’t? Surely not. They paid the penalty for what might have been personal indiscretions. We await the law on these matters.
Why is PNM the status quo so angry? They are losing money. This is why the persons who have endorsed Rowley are the same old faces who have been benefitting from the largesse of the state. Rahael, Saith, Robinson Regis, Ford, Hinds etc etc. They are the same Cabinet who were voted out with manning. They have invested too much to sit by idly. They are out for blood.
The supporters of the Partnership must know that if PNM were to return the computers for children will come to an end, all URP workers will be fired. All CEPEP contractors will be changed. All new contractors who were brought into the system will be fired. The jobs will go back to the big boys and the little fellas who now have a chance to grow under the partnership will suck salt. This has been the way of the PNM and will be the way of the PNM.
The establishment will hit back. Mark my words
Article by Farida Mohammed- Ramatali
Excellent article. Please publish for all and sundry.
Excellent article. Great analysis. Please publish for all and sundry to read.