Soldiers made the difference
THE EDITOR: Listening to the Senate debate the Defence Act amendment has been an almost nauseating experience for me. I’m already convinced the Upper House is of vestigal value, or should I say, pusillanimous capacity. Just last weekend, a neighbour had some friends over when unsavoury looking characters sauntered up the dead-end street. You know the type, pants almost down by the knees, bejewelled teeth, loud. We knew immediately they weren’t up to any good, so we called the police.
Police response was prompt. Within minutes a patrol car came up. You feel the youths were scared? They steupsed at the two officers (one was female) and started cursing like they couldn’t care, pointing up in the young lady’s face and all.
We don’t know who called for backup, but another vehicle came through about five minutes after the first arrived. Two soldiers jumped out. The whole countenance changed immediately. I never knew all soldiers were called Boss.
It turned out one of the youths was a burglar, another a choke and grab bandit. Unable to give a plausible explanation for being in a secluded cul de sac or for the diver’s knife one of them had in a bag, the soldiers hustled the group into the pickup and they were taken away. Who knows what mischief these characters had in mind for us hadn’t the army team intervened when it did? We are grateful the soldiers were there. God bless the men and women of our regiment.
This is no time for stalling with measures aimed at providing backup support for our overworked and outgunned police officers. We, of Santa Margarita, say the police need all the help it can get. They’re just not able to cope on their own. Our senators need to quit being pusillanimous and say yes to the amendment. It would be a crying shame if some of them hold up this train.
Santa Margarita