Put country first
The Editor:
We the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) should make a call on the country’s politicians to put the nation’s interest above their individual interests. One method for doing this can be demonstrated when politicians resolve their differences peacefully and their actions have no net effect on the general public. We must demand that they prove to us that they really have our best interest at heart.
There are two main men who have proven over time in the history of T&T who grew their political careers under the United National Congress (UNC) are the culprits of sacrificing a country for their personal vendetta. Mr. Maharaj and Mr. Warner need to stop their false pretence (i.e. pretending to care for the country) as a means to fulfilling their self-ambitions to either gain power. They fail to realise that billions of taxpayers’ dollars are lost when unfinished projects are not completed due to changes in a government. We in T&T are on a growth path of sustainable growth and development in every sector. Everywhere we turn there are beneficial projects being delivered in a cost-effective and timely manner.
It will be in the best interest of T&T if these two men publicly announce that they would bow out of national politics in 2015.
Derrick Johnson
Via email (New York)