
Opposition Leader: Christmas Heartlessness by Rowley Government

The disastrous Rowley Government is displaying even more heartlessness at this Christmas time by its woeful handling of food cards to deserving nationals. The Government waited until mere days before Christmas to issue the cards for disbursement to Members of Parliament, and when...
Posted On 21 Dec 2023
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Tancoo: How many more have to die before the Prime Minister reports for duty?

With approximately 550 lives lost to murder in 2023 to date, crime has long spiraled out of control under the Keith Rowley administration, worsening with each passing day, yet the Prime Minister continues to be unable to rouse himself to urgent action. That is an indisputable...
Posted On 19 Dec 2023
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Tancoo – Government clueless on cybersecurity

During his contribution at Wednesday’s sitting of the House where the Government had hurriedly brought the Finance Bill, 2023 for debate, Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo called out the Government’s $500,000 tax concession on cyber security investment as an impractical measure....
Posted On 16 Dec 2023
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Opposition Leader Slams Clueless PM Over Atlantic LNG Restructuring

Following Keith Rowley’s press conference today, citizens of Trinidad and Tobago should be very concerned about what he and Minister Young negotiated regarding the restructuring of Atlantic LNG. They could not : 1. Identify the potential liabilities costs that will now be...
Posted On 08 Dec 2023
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MP Lee: Calls on Government to reduce fuel price

The Government must immediately reduce the price of fuel at the pump given the significant fall in the price of oil globally. With WTI presently averaging US 70 dollars per barrel and Brent at US 74 dollars per barrel, the government has absolutely no logical justification or...
Posted On 06 Dec 2023
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Opposition Leader: Seeks Gov’t and Civil Society Help in Curbing Sexual Abuse Against Children

In light of recent media reports of over 2,000 cases of sexual abuse of girls and 500 cases of sexual abuse of boys being made to the Children’s Authority between 2020 and 2021, I am compelled to speak on this issue. The increase in sexual abuse in our society over the past...
Posted On 04 Dec 2023
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Opposition Leader willing to meet PM without Gary

The citizens of Trinidad and Tobago are unequivocally correct in requesting cooperation from their elected representatives to stem the violent crime crisis. Therefore, I reaffirm my commitment to leading a team on behalf of the UNC to attend the anti-crime talks to explain our...
Posted On 27 Nov 2023
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Kamla: UNC willing to join hands with anyone to fight crime

After returning from another taxpayer funded trip abroad which has again earned no results for the people of our country, Keith Rowley spent his press conference sidestepping critical issues. Instead he defended his enjoyment of taxpayer funds on these lavish trips and used his...
Posted On 20 Nov 2023
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MP Charles: Robbery of German diplomat could have global impact

Rowley’s administration’s ineptitude in dealing with crime is setting the stage for more countries advising their citizens to avoid T&T. This follows travel advice sites telling Germans to reconsider your need to travel to Trinidad and Tobago. TT has a current risk level of 4...
Posted On 14 Nov 2023
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MP Tancoo: Firing the TSTT CEO is not enough

While customers of TSTT whose information was leaked onto the public domain as a result of a recent cyberattack may feel vindicated by the recent removal of TSTT CEO Lisa Agard, Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo says that although this may seem a step in the right direction, it is...
Posted On 14 Nov 2023
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Dr. Lackram Bodoe: Let us work harder to fight diabetes

World Diabetes Day, commemorated today, November 14th, 2023, provides us with the opportunity to raise awareness of diabetes, not only as a global public health issue, but as the second leading cause of death in Trinidad and Tobago. Diabetes affects an estimated 150,000 people in...
Posted On 14 Nov 2023
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Opposition Leader Message on the Occasion of Divali 2023

Sitaram and good day to one and all. I hope that this year’s Divali holiday finds each of you in good health, happiness, and a true appreciation of the beautiful diversity of our country, where we can all join together to celebrate this very auspicious Hindu festival of lights....
Posted On 11 Nov 2023
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