
Tancoo – Imbert forced to lay Auditor General’s Report

After all of his antics and misinformation, including character assassination under parliamentary cover by himself and the Attorney General, Finance Minister Colm Imbert has now realized that he has no choice, and is now forced to lay the Auditor General’s Report for the...
Posted On 16 May 2024
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MP Tancoo: Urgent Action Needed for Hazard at Godineau River Mouth

MP for Oropouche West Dave Tancoo is appealing to Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan to have his Ministry immediately clear the strewn boulders that have dislodged from the base of the new bridge at the entrance to the Gulf of Paria. These are some of the maintenance...
Posted On 13 May 2024
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Opposition Leader’s Message on the Occasion of Mother’s Day 2024

Motherhood is a most satisfying experience, in spite of its challenges. To all young women who are now finding your paths through adulthood, based on my own experiences, I urge you to consider the opportunity to become a mother. One of the most beautiful feelings in life is the...
Posted On 12 May 2024
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Criminals Spying on Police While Hinds Asleep

The illegal installation of electronic equipment on utility poles is another crushing indictment on the hopelessly incompetent Fitzgerald Hinds as Minister of National Security. It again exposes Hinds’ chronic uselessness in ensuring the safety and security of the traumatised...
Posted On 11 May 2024
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Tancoo – Incompetent Hinds playing Russian Roulette with lives of Firefighters

“It is one thing to be constantly sleeping on the job, but something completely differently when putting the very lives of those you are responsible for at ultimate risk!” exclaims MP for Oropouche West Dave Tancoo, who is alleging that due to the utter incompetence and failure...
Posted On 11 May 2024
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Tancoo: Imbert’s Press Conference a Farce, Witch-Hunt Against Auditor General

The Opposition’s shadow Minister of Finance and MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo describes yesterday’s hastily convened press conference by Minister Colm Imbert as a farce and a sad attempt to distract from the truth and the Government’s unwarranted attack on the...
Posted On 08 May 2024
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Opposition Leader’s Message on the Occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2024

As Trinidad and Tobago joins the rest of the globe in celebrating World Press Freedom Day, today, May 3, 2024, I affirm, on behalf of the Opposition UNC, our time honoured commitment to protect the constitutionally enshrined guarantee and sacred principle of press freedom....
Posted On 03 May 2024
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Indarsingh: NIQUAN Another PNM Scandal

It comes as no surprise that the long controversial NiQuan plant will be shutting down operations. What is painful is that because of mismanagement at the plant, which is a pet PNM project beginning with the failed gas to liquids plant under Malcolm Jones, seventy-five (75)...
Posted On 25 Apr 2024
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MP Khadijah Ameen Warns Against Misappropriation of Funds by Minister Al Rawi

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine Ms. Khadijah Ameen is warning Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Mr. Faris Al Rawi to stop ill advising Regional Corporations to misappropriate funds. The warning comes after bizarre comments were made by the Minister in an...
Posted On 24 Apr 2024
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Moonilal: Rowley’s $M Joyrides Have Brought no Results to Taxpayers

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley is farse and outta place to compare his international joyrides with Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s foreign investment and other business trips. Rowley’s immoral and wasteful foreign trips, valued at $10.6 million for three years – an average of $300,000...
Posted On 18 Apr 2024
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Opposition Leader Condemns Alleged Gerrymandering by EBC to Benefit PNM

Before the 2015 general elections, the Elections and Boundaries Commission submitted a report in which it recommended alterations to the boundaries of ten (10) constituencies in Trinidad’s electoral area, one of which was San Fernando West. I quote from the 2015 orde...
Posted On 16 Apr 2024
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UNC Chairman Dave Tancoo: Embrace Unity

Political unity is often foreshadowed by discord, discussion, and restructuring. As a foundation member and current Chairman of the United National Congress, I am extremely proud to note the strides that the party has made in widening and broadening its base and, particularly in...
Posted On 13 Apr 2024
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