Newspaper Article Misleading

Office of The Prime Minister The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has taken note of an article headlined “What’s Wrong with Kamla using the new plane” which was published in the Express Newspaper dated May 5th 2013. The...
Posted On 06 May 2013
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PM addresses Jack issue tonight

PRIME MINISTER and UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is due to make a statement tonight which is expected to address the Jack Warner issue. High-ranking party officials yesterday confirmed Persad-Bissessar is due to speak at the party’s Monday Night Forum scheduled for...
Posted On 06 May 2013
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Diego residents call for more police, soldiers

Police and soldiers are being urged to increase their surveillance in the Mercer Road, Pierre Felix Road and surrounding streets of Diego Martin with a view to diffusing the gang culture which has long plagued the area.
Posted On 05 May 2013
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Suruj: We’ll fight local govt polls as a partnership

The People’s Partnership Government is entering the upcoming local government elections as a united body and will work assiduously to capture control of the Port-of-Spain, Point Fortin and San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporations. So said interim chairman of the UNC Khadijah...
Posted On 05 May 2013
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AG files civil suit against Malcolm Jones

State-owned energy company Petrotrin has filed a statement of claim against its former executive chairman Malcolm Jones as the company seeks to recover roughly $1.2 billion from its failed gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant. Petrotrin alleged that during Jones’ tenure as executive...
Posted On 05 May 2013
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No decision yet on PP candidate for Chaguanas West by election

The United National Congress is keeping quiet on the selection of its candidate for the upcoming by-election in the Chaguanas West Constituency. 
Posted On 04 May 2013
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More than 200 want to contest for UNC in local govt

THE United National Congress (UNC) has not yet started screening members for the upcoming local elections, but has already received 200 nominations for potential candidates, deputy political leader Rupert Griffith said on Thursday. And the party is confident it will win the local...
Posted On 04 May 2013
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AG to Duprey: Face the music

LIONEL LUCKHOO, an attorney for Lawrence Duprey, yesterday released a letter knocking Attorney General Anand Ramlogan for calling Duprey, “a wanted man” during the weekly post-Cabinet press briefing last Thursday. But in an immediate response, Ramlogan via his lawyer Donna...
Posted On 04 May 2013
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AG: Police must answer if Duprey paid visits to T&T

Has former CL Financial executive chairman Lawrence Duprey made surreptitious visits to Trinidad and Tobago during the life of the subpoena to attend the commission of enquiry into CLICO? This is the question that Attorney General Anand Ramlogan wants the Immigration authorities...
Posted On 03 May 2013
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IPI happy with press freedom in T&T

There’s a lot of press freedom in T&T! That’s the pronouncement of Allison Bethel-Mckenzie head of the International Press Institute. Bethel-Mckenzie had the last word on T&T’s much debated press freedom status hours before she left T&T on Thursday, just ahead of...
Posted On 03 May 2013
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Suruj: Use local content in highway project

The two-day work stoppage on construction of the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin would have no significant impact on the completion of the multi-billion-dollar project, newly-appointed Minister of Works and Infrastructure Suruj Rambachan said yesterday. Rambachan...
Posted On 02 May 2013
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AG: BAE judgment a win for T&T

I write in response to Keith Subero’s column of April 9 to correct certain inaccuracies and misstatements and provide clarification. It is incorrect and mischievous to describe the settlement of the OPV arbitration as a simple “return of Trinidad and Tobago’s downpayment”. 
Posted On 02 May 2013
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