Finance Minister Larry Howai’s statement on new CAL Board

Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the media and thank you for attending this short press briefing. Today, I shall be discussing Caribbean Airlines Limited. I shall be brief. Government has decided to replace the Board with a new interim Board.
Posted On 17 May 2013
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AG: Duprey should apologise to the entire nation

Mr. Duprey is reported to have demanded an apology from Attorney General Anand Ramlogan for what he (Duprey), considers to be misleading information about his whereabouts during the recently concluded Commission of Enquiry into the failed CLICO conglomerate.
Posted On 17 May 2013
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Anti-Doping bill passed in Senate

LEGISLATION to introduce anti-doping rules in the sport fraternity was passed unanimously in the Senate on Tuesday night with amendments. As a result, the Anti-Doping in Sport Bill 2013 will have to return to the House of Representatives where the amendments will have to be approved.
Posted On 16 May 2013
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AG: Let’s appreciate sacrifices made by law enforcement

Attorney General An­and Ramlogan says “a sharp line” must be drawn by the society to prevent incidents like the killing of acting police corporal Terrence Abraham, who died after being shot in Couva on Tuesday night. Ramlogan also said there must be “a certain measure of...
Posted On 16 May 2013
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UNC heads to Tunapuna tonight

The United National Congress (UNC) Monday night forum rolls into Tunapuna today.
Posted On 13 May 2013
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Prakash joins Kamla on MNF platform

The United National Congress is holding Monday’s political forum (MNF) in the St Augustine constituency, which is represented by Congress of the People (COP) leader, Prakash Ramadhar. And reports say Ramadhar would not only welcome members of the People’s Partnership...
Posted On 13 May 2013
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PM: US must do more

Noting that Persad-Bissessar met with US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns in Washington DC on April 17, Dookeran said the Prime Minister “stressed the need for the US Government to do more to assist TT and other Caribbean countries in the fight against the illegal drug...
Posted On 13 May 2013
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Mother’s Day Message

Mother’s Day Message: Mother is another word for love Dear Citizens, I welcome this opportunity to honour the immeasurable contributions made by mothers everywhere, not only for the nurturing and sustenance of their children and other young charges in their care, overtime, but...
Posted On 12 May 2013
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Good going National Security Council

THE EDITOR: In the current criminal environment a multifaceted approach is needed to deal with the situation. Focus must be placed in several areas simultaneously if we are to make any serious dents in the crime statistics.
Posted On 11 May 2013
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Williams: 36% drop in serious crimes

A THIRTY-SIX per cent reduction in serious crimes has been recorded for the first four months of 2013 as compared to the same period for last year, acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams said yesterday. Williams made the statement yesterday during a Joint Select Committee...
Posted On 11 May 2013
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Education Ministry’s statement on SEA Question no. 35

The SEA Mathematics and Language Arts Papers are set by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC). Questions for these examinations are pre – tested using several versions of tests with students entering Form One (1) in selected secondary schools. Pre – testing provides...
Posted On 10 May 2013
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PM Kamla: Police rapid response unit coming

The National Security Council (NSC) on Wednesday gave approval for acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams to purchase more than 300 vehicles to form a rapid response unit. These vehicles will be used for normal police work as well as for swift deployment within each...
Posted On 10 May 2013
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