New Health Facility a sign of progress
The Editor:
It was reported that the Prime Minister opened a 70 million dollar two storey health facility in the constituency of Diego Martin West. As with everything it will always have those for and against, therefore, she was greeted with support and also disdain.
While addressing persons that do not support her, she told them that every single person in Carenage and environ will benefit from this new health facility. What was the greatest highlight was when she stated that she would not discriminate against citizens that are opposed to her because her job is to be of service to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.
The mere fact that the facility was built and opened this week means that she doesn’t only preach equally but demonstrates.
In the past, what we have seen is that only supporters of a particular party that forms the government benefits.
It’s a positive shift in the political environment when one could benefit from the nation’s resources, whether they support the government or not.
However, if this positive shift was started on a “sinking ship,” then equality for all will not prevail and we would be making a retrograde step as a nation.
Jennnifer John
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