Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr 2021
Today as we celebrate one of the holiest and most joyous days in the Islamic faith, I would like to extend Eid Mubarak to all the members of our Muslim community within our nation. Today our Muslim brothers and sisters celebrate the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan, marking the end of a month of significant prayer, fasting and charitable deeds which demonstrated their unwavering faith and love for Allah.
It is that love, duty and reverence for Allah which our Muslim friends and family have so devoutly offered in the month of Ramadan and continue to selflessly offer on a daily basis that should form the foundation which helps us to emerge out of this grave uncertainty facing our nation due to COVID-19.
I have always held great admiration for the profound manner in which our Muslim friends have held to their faith in times of adversity and quite rightly so, as the Holy Quran tells us:
“And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty)” Surah al-Talaaq 65:2
This verse provides us with hope that no matter the difficulties before us, such as the situation we face currently, once we keep our duty to God, He will guide us and preserve us.
Our nation has never faced such a threat as it does now from COVID-19 where so many lives have been thrown into turmoil, and our future seems so uncertain. Yet, as a united people, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs, we are called to look at the example set by the Muslim community of keeping faith in God.
As a nation, we are called not only to follow in the prayerful actions of our Muslim friends but follow the kind acts of charity which have formed the daily routine of their lives especially during the month of Ramadan and on day of Eid. Now more than ever, our nation needs us to do good for each other and to help each other. The reality is that thousands have been severely affected by the recent measures brought about by the ravishes of COVID 19 and are unable to put a simple meal on the table.
Throughout the month of Ramadan, we have seen so many acts of kindness to the vulnerable. I urge all citizens to replicate and follow these actions to help those struggling this time.
I urge the national community to let the love and duty of our Muslim community to Allah inspire us out of this wave of uncertainty.
Eid Mubarak!
Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP
Leader of the Opposition
13th May, 2021