Dr Rowley has plenty explaining to do
In his 2015 New Year’s message, Opposition Leader Keith Rowley quite rightly stresses the need for the electorate to make the right decision in this election year.
Without a doubt we had all hoped that this Partnership Government could have avoided some of their missteps. Still, before we change horses in mid-stream we need to carefully consider the long track record of the PNM to ensure we can expect better.
To do so, where better to start than with man’s most basic need—water.
According to WASA’s advertised figures the percentage of the population receiving a 24/7 supply has increased from approximately 18-20 per cent when this administration took office in 2010 to, say, 60 per cent at present. If we consider what the PNM met when they came into office nearly 50 years ago, i.e. all well populated areas already receiving a 24/7 supply, it would seem that in their 43-plus years they only managed to better what they met by some five per cent, which seems abysmal in the extreme.
Could it be possible that in their long years in office they could not even muster say 1/4 per cent per annum improvement in what is man’s most basic need? Is it possible that this Government has in ten per cent of the time increased the supply of this basic need ten times more?
As a member of the electorate charged with making an informed decision, I and all thinking voters need to have this matter cleared up. Many thousands of votes hang in the balance and I am therefore calling on Dr Rowley to tell the population the PNM’s side of the story.
If these figures are not correct, then tell us what the truth is. The electorate deserves no less.
EN Ferreira
Diego Martin