Divali Message from the Opposition Leader
On this very auspicious Divali holiday, I extend my very best wishes to the Hindu community, and all citizens of our beloved Trinidad and Tobago for safe, enjoyable celebrations.
Today, we reflect with deep appreciation on the beautiful diversity of our country, as well as the very significant role that the Hindu community has played in helping to build our nation into a place of progress and democracy.
This year, Divali sadly finds Trinidad and Tobago in the throes of one of the most destructive, unprecedented crime and violence waves in our history, leading to widespread despair and terror among citizens.
In the last two months, we have also witnessed an alarming increase in domestic violence and bullying in our country, which has sadly cost us the lives of many women and children. I reiterate that this is now a national crisis that must be urgently addressed.
Divali’s significance— the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, prosperity over poverty, and the special recognition of the divinity in women— is therefore now, more than ever, relevant to us all.
Related in the ancient Hindu religious scriptures— the Ramayana— Divali is the story of Lord Rama’s defeat of the evil demon king Rawan, who had terrorized nations for decades before his defeat.
Its great lessons are perennially applicable to all places and all periods in history, where, in a nation’s darkest hour, the forces of good, humanity, and God united to combat malevolence, and ensured the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and prosperity over poverty.
The beloved Goddess Mata Lakshmi is also revered in the Divali season, reminding us to recognize and honour the mother, the female, and the fruits of her womb—our children, our future.
Let us recommit to honouring women and children in our society and treating them with respect and compassion, to combat the scourge of domestic violence and bullying.
Let us use this auspicious Divali festival this year to remember that once we unite and build our country together for all citizens, we can rescue our country from the ongoing ills of crime and violence, and ensure a better, safer future for our children.
On behalf of my family, and the United National Congress, I wish you, your families, and your loved ones, a very safe, happy Divali.
May this Divali bring you new opportunities and new achievements. May the light of the deyas guide you towards the path of joy and success. And may Mother Lakshmi bless you with wealth, health, and happiness.
Shubh Divali.