Case closed before it opened
The editor:
The People Partnership has now been in government for almost 5 years. In the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), the Prime Minister and the Attorney General constitute a government. If the Prime Minister is removed, then the government falls. It is evident subsequently that one of the most coveted positions in government is the office of the Attorney General.
All of us are witnesses to the fact that in T&T politics, many have fallen due to accusations with no facts needed. The situation with the current Attorney General has been no different. However, all accusations have been proven to be baseless thus far. The recent issue of the AG offering Mr. David West seems to be the most unauthenticated of them all since the Police Complaint Authority (PCA) Director is appointed according to Section 6 (1) of the PCA by the President on the advice of both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. Both in this case found it fit to nominate him to the President.
The government has not been able to convince Dr Rowley to work with them on the issue of crime, which is of urgent national importance. Do you think that the AG could influence him to support David West to be appointed to the PCA?
I don’t think I need to say thing more; the case is closed before it even opened.
Marvin Mc Donald
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